Placing the Windows

Quicky-Window Component

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Windows in Project One modeling have different shapes and sizes. However, we will only use and reuse one of the Quicky components: Quicky-Window. Some windows consist of a single window component, and some are stitched with other window/door component(s) in order to produce different variations of the window.

Just like a Quicky-door, this component does not have ornamental detail that normally appears in window assembly such as raised panels or moldings. However, this component includes detailed  typical specifications of a wooden window, except for glass thickness.

The main options of a Quick-window component are as follows:

  1. QuickJendela(a) indicates the side of the window structure where its sash will be pivoted. This side is labeled as A. All other sides (B, C, and D) are labeled clockwise. The term “width” is applicable when side A or C are on top.
  2. Also labeled as “D”, indicates the “height” of the component.
  3. Thickness of the jamb/head, measured at the sides that will be attached to a wall.
  4. Depth of the rabbet, the recess or offset formed in the jamb/head to receive window sash.
  5. Sash thickness.
  6. Sash width.
  7. Sash net width.

Windows Basic Dimension

To simplify the house modeling, some windows will have the same dimension but with different variations. You can modify windows dimension to your taste later.

Windows common specifications are as follows:

  • Jamb/head width/thickness: 5 × 15 cm.
  • Sash thickness and width: 4 × 8cm
  • Windows height: All windows are placed so the uppers side of each window is parallel with the top side of the doors.

Placing Front Bedroom Windows

The front bedroom has two identical windows with these specifications:

  1. Each sash will pivot at the window head.
  2. Structural height and width are 150 cm and 75 cm respectively.
  3. The west window  is placed 40 cm away from the west wall.
  4. Space between windows is 15 cm.
  5. Maximum opening is 20° (Optional, for animation purpose only).

We will start by adding the west window by placing a Quicky-Window in the location and change the dimension to its specification using Component Options window. To distinguish it from other windows, it will be renamed to Window_W1.
After Window_W1 is placed at its designated location, it will be copied to create the other window using Move/CopyToolMovetool.
Unlike when installing doors, during windows installation, we immediately create a hole in the wall with RectangleToolRecttool and Push/PullToolPushtool.


 Adding the Front Bedroom Windows

Adding the Front Door Window.

The front door window sash has the same dimensions with the front bedrooms sash. However, this window is actually part of the front door, since this window is attached to one side of the front door jamb.

We are going to copy one of the front window using Move/CopyToolMovetool. In addition, since the window is attached to one of the front door jambs, we need to “remove” one of the window jambs so it can be stitched nicely as if both the window and door is one component.

 Adding a Window to the Front Door

Adding the Rear Door Window

Tip & Trick
ToolMoveComponents Browser's In Model Tab
The In-model tab lists all components that are attached in the model. We can copy, remove and edit any of these components.
Notice that, this library contains all components including those that have been previously deleted. Components will be completely removed from a model if the model is purged.

The rear door window is a mirror image of the front door window. We will make another copy of Window_W1. However, instead of copying directly from the window, we are going to use the Components window’s “In Model” InModeltab. We will also\o create a wall opening prior to copying the window using the RectangleToolRecttool and the Push/PullToolPushtool.

  Adding a Window to the Rear Door

Adding the Bathroom Window

The bathroom window has a difference specification:

  1. Height/Width :  50/70 cm.
  2. Sash Width : 6 cm.
  3. Location of the window is right in the middle of the bathroom interior wall.

Similar to the installation of the rear door window, we will first make a wall opening and then place a new Quicky window in it.

  Adding the Bathroom Window

Adding the rear Bedroom window

The rear bedroom window has these following specification:

  1. This is a casement window with two sashes that swing open on side hinges.
  2. The net width and net height of the window pane are: 52 and 92 cm.
  3. Sash width : 6 cm.
  4. The window vertical position is exactly in the middle of the rear bedroom wall.

From the above specifications, it can be determined that the window is made from two Quick-Window components. The two window components have the same dimension but will be mirrored to each other. First, we prepare a Quicky-Window as the left window, and rotate it so the hinged side will be on the left. Afterward, we set its dimensions as specified earlier and hide the connecting side of the jambs. For the right part of the window, we will make a copy of the left window and rotate it by 180° so they will mirror to each other. Finally, we will attach both windows before placing it at its designated location. Everything is done using the Move/CopyToolMovetool.

 Adding the Rear Bedroom Window

Lesson Learned ....

No T o p i c
1 Renaming an object using the Entity Info window.
Create a copy of a component using Move/Copy tool and [Ctrl] Key
3 Creating a hole on a wall using "on Face" or " offset limited to ..." inference.
4 Hiding one of jambs/heads of a Quick-Window Component so it can be attached to other door/window.
Copying/Adding a component from other components already attached in the model using "In model" tab of the
Components browser.
Finding middle point of an edge using Midpoint inferences to drag and to place an object in relation to other object's midpoint.
Rotating an object by its center point using the Move/Copy tool.
8 Combining two or more objects into one group using Context Menu -> Make Group.

TerasWe are almost half way to finishing our 3d model. Next we will furnish some detail to this model prior to putting some roof to the model.

